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Community: Feed The Hood

In 2016, when Feed The Hood started, it was initiated with “Hotdogs For The Hood.” When a Westinghouse teacher stated that for some of the students, this would be their last meal of the day, “Hotdogs For The Hood” manifested into “Feed The Hood.” Then Chef Carlos Thomas of Confluence Catering made it a mission to “feed the entire city for free or for profit.” Feed The Hood’s mission is to expand the culinary workforce by providing students with peer to peer mentorship, culinary training, and real world experience to prepare them for employment in the restaurant and hospitality industry. Feed The Hood’s vision is to create a community of food service professionals within the restaurant and hospitality industry that focus on sustaining a healthy food environment and community. Upon completion of a Feed the Hood program, students will have a vivid idea of what they can offer to not only the industry, but to society at large. This model is designed to focus the demographic regardless of age, color, or ethnic origin at age levels 5 and older. Feed the Hood’s vision is to become a multi- dimensional powerhouse that improves relationships between people and food. Using peer to peer mentorship Feed the Hood will engage in innovative ways to develop new food professionals and approaches towards food and policy. Feed the Hood can also expect to be a voice of generations to end food insecurity.

The selected job markets will include, but not limited to:

Manufacturing and Production

Multimedia and Advertising

Restaurant and Hospitality Management

Community Service

Click to Volunteer

Video courtesy of Ray Carrington Photography Special Thanks to our Partners